A recent FAA maintenance error threw the airline industry into a tailspin resulting in millions of lost revenue. In addition, it caused a chain reaction negatively affected many sectors of the economy.
We could offer a conjecture as to what possibly happened. A relational database is heavily embedded with procedural metalanguage. This FAA 30-year old backed up database likely have been obfuscated by server upgrades over time, rendering it `corrupt`. Workers come and go, changing ownership from engineer to engineer overtime makes it inherently a nightmare to maintain.
Service level monitoring would have caught the glitch during and after scheduled maintenance. Your operation policy on blue/green backup/restore may lack the final crucial step verifying service availability from a user perspective. AES offers monitoring solutions 24/7 with alert generation and user notification to help maintain your business service availability and performance.
Our service level monitoring solutions CleverView for CTrace and CleverView for TCPIP on Linux provide the following benefits with virtually non-disruptive adoption.